January 22, 2012

Getting the Boot: Tall Boots for the Not-so-Tall Girl

First things first -- It's been "forever and a day" since I've written a blog post and, for that, I do apologize.  To say that my first year as an attorney was crazy busy every single day of every single week is a huge understatement.  That said, I do want to continue this blog (though I think I'll take it in a slightly different direction so that I can actually work it into my busy schedule, so stay tuned for more on that later...)

But for now, I wanted to tell you about what's been on my mind lately, namely finding the perfect tall boot!

It dawned on me a few months ago that I have never had a great pair of tall boots.  Sure, I had an el cheapo pair back in college, and I even made an impulsive splurge a few years back on a pair that I've never even worn outside the house.  But that has been the extent of my tall boot collection.  But I love the whole skinny jeans 'n boots look -- and even the look of a great pair of boots with a nice skirt or dress -- but I've never had the raw materials to pull it off.  But now I'm on a mission to change this. 

Of course, as petites, boot shopping can be challenging.  The shaft can't be too high.  The calf circumference can't be too wide.  And it has to fit -- and comfortably so!  Oh, and did I mention that I need a boot that won't wreck my budget?  All of this can make finding the perfect tall boot can seem like a tall order!  But I am officially on the hunt.

I've been perusing a couple sites, and I'm about to place an order for a couple of sale pairs at Piperlime.  Check back later to see how things turn out for me.  In the meantime though, I thought I'd offer a few petite-friendly picks that I've come across on the site in case you are also in need of the perfect tall boot for your perfect, albeit not-so-tall self!  :-)

Naturalizer Dinka
14.4" shaft, 14" calf
sizes 4 and up
$159 $44.97


Arturo Chiang Ezure
15.5" shaft, 13" calf
sizes 5 and up
$169 $69.97

Hive and Honey Harper
13.5" shaft, 15" calf
sizes 5 and up
$169 $69.97 

Elizabeth and James Creed
14" shaft, 14" calf
sizes 5 and up
$495 $224.99

What about you, dear readers?  What's your favorite pair of tall boots?  Or are you, like me, still on the hunt for some?


  1. I'm on the hunt too, no joy!! Sometimes being short, sucks!

  2. I got one from Stuart Weitzman. Similar to 50/50 but it's high heel and VERY COMFORTABLE and VERY form fitting to slim petite legs. I got it for 99.00 brand new because it was on clearance and last pair in store. The leather is so soft that it's comfy even for wide feet. I don't know how to attach pics on this comment to show you. Maybe I can post it up later :) Good Luck! I also love Hunter tall boots. Also more slim fit compared to other rainboots and they only cost 47 in Nordstrom rack!


  3. Really this boots will be amazing if I will match it to my new collections of knee length dresses.
